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Redneck Sayings & terms

This here page is dedicated ta learnin' you city folk on jest how we talk down here in Dixie. Some folks seem ta thank we sound funny. I personaly don't git it. We jest talk American. What's so durn funny bout that?

1. “Bless your heart”
A phrase used to express empathy; when used sarcastically, an insult


2. “Y’all”
Contraction of ‘you all’


3. “Buggy”
A shopping cart


4. “Hissy fit”
Dramatic loss of one’s temper


5. “Fixin’ to”
Preparing to do something


6. “Bad-mouth”
Talk negatively about


7. “Three sheets to the wind”


8. “Lord willing and the Creek don’t rise”
“With good luck and no problems, it will be successful.”


9. “Dickens”
Euphemism for devil


10. “Catty-corner”


11. “Yonder”
Over there, at a distance


12. “Reckon”
To suppose or think


13. “A mind to”
Consider doing something


14. “Ugly”
Rude or unkind


15. “Tan your hide”
Expressing discipline to come


16. “Piddle”
To waste time or work aimlessly


17. “Too big for his britches”
Taking oneself too seriously


18. “Madder than a wet hen”
Furious, causing a scene


19. “Stove-up”
Muscles are sore/stiff


20. “Knee-high to a grasshopper”
“When I was a child...”


21. “Nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs”
To be skiddish, jumpy


22. “6 of one, half dozen of the other”
Both options are equal


23. “Happy as a pig in mud”
Blissfully content


24. “Pocketbook”
A purse


25. “Fat as a tick”
Full after a good meal


26. “Pitching a fit”
Causing commotion about something


27. “Stinks to high heaven”
Of poor quality; has a strong, unpleasant odor


28. “Slow as molasses”
Moving painfully slow


29. “Mind your manners”
“Be polite.”


30. “I declare” or "I do declare"
An exclamation of surprise


31. “Hold your horses”
“Be patient.”


32. “Fit to be tied”
Very angry/upset


33. “Cute as a button”
Adorable, charming


34. “Don’t get your feathers ruffled”
“Don’t let it bother you.”


35. “That dog won’t hunt”
“It’s a bad idea.”


36. “I don’t have a dog in that fight”
“I don’t have a stake in the outcome of this situation.”


37. “Like water off a duck’s back”
Without any effect; easily


38. “Preaching to the choir”
Making a point to someone who agrees with your position


39. “Pot calling the kettle black”
Guilty of the same thing you’re accusing the other of


40. “Sweatin’ like a sinner in church”
Sweating profusely

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